About Us
About Us

Producing Successful Students
Since its inception, Shiloh has produced numerous outstanding and successful students, and as adults, many are now contributing meaningfully to their communities and society at large. Shiloh prides on the fact that 100% of our graduates move on to post- secondary institutions of learning. As a Christian school, we do acknowledge that our success is fuelled by enforcing the love of God, while embracing determination and hard work. We pledge to passionately continue on this path, as we are persuaded, without a doubt, that this school is God ordained.
We have two campuses
West Campus
1166 Cardiff Blvd, Mississauga, ON, L5S 1P7
East-End Campus
1920 Notion Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 2G3
We have two campuses
West Campus
1166 Cardiff Blvd, Mississauga, ON, L5S 1P7
East-End Campus
1920 Notion Rd, Pickering, ON L1V 2G3
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a biblically integrated academic program in a disciplined environment that encourages spiritual commitment and academic excellence.
Core Values
Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh. All wise, all powerful and supreme over all creation. He is the visible image of the invisible God.
The Bible is the inspired word of God. It was recorded by Holy men of God who spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit and is preserved by God unto all generations.
We deliver a holistic approach to education (spiritual, academic, emotional, and social). We equip our students to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and problem solvers so they will thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Shiloh is a strong spiritually based school and everything we do is based around God. We start every day with prayer, engage in a mid-day prayer and end our days with prayer. We encourage our students to apply biblical principles in their academics to ensure their success. Our strong Christian component brings about a certain order in our classrooms, respect for peers and staff, which allows for maximum teaching and learning to take place.
We believe through a series of commanded responsibilities and sacred practices, the family is established by God. Parents are to train up their child in the way they should go, so that when they are old they will not depart from it. Children are to honour their parents, that their days may be long and well. This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. At Shiloh, we join the responsibility of the parents in training up children in the way they are supposed to go to continue in God’s order.
In conjunction with the Abeka Curriculum, we follow the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Guidelines for all subjects. All students in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 10 will undergo provincial testing. Our religious teaching is based on the Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God. We instill this style of teaching so that students can develop at an early age, the knowledge of God, which will promote the development of a Godly character.
Accreditation: Shiloh is a Ministry of Education inspected and approved school. Our credits are therefore transferable to other school system, both Private and Public.
Ministry of Education Curriculum Guidelines: Parents who would like more information regarding the Ontario Curriculum Guidelines can go to their web site at www.edu.gov.on.ca or call the Peel District School Board at 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146.

PTA Meetings
Shiloh holds PTA meetings every other month during the school year. These meetings allow parents to learn about the culture of SCI and make suggestions on how to improve our school. This partnership between parents and school faculty helps our students to be very successful.

Boys Club
We are committed to providing a well-rounded experience that goes beyond academics to address the holistic development of the boys in our club. We believe that by nurturing their minds, bodies, and spirits, we can help shape them into responsible, confident, and empowered individuals.

Family Fridays
Shiloh Fosters healthy family relationships by hosting a weekly event called Family Friday. Every Friday is set aside for parents to join their children for lunch at the school. Parents can enjoy students' presentations through, Musicals, Poetry, and Drama. These opportunities are great for student development.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. While our Association and education is wholly Christian, it is not a criteria for enrollment.
School begins at 8:30am each day and ends at 3:10pm. Students should be brought to school by 8:20am. They must be picked up y 3:15pm.
SCI has 3-5 PA days a year, along with a 1-week March and Christmas break.
In conjunction with the Abeka Curriculum, we follow the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Guidelines for all subjects. All students in Grades 3, 6, 9 and 10 will undergo provincial testing. Our religious teaching is based on the Holy Bible, the inspired Word of God.
SCI strives to maintain a low student to teacher ratio which enables us to provide a high quality of instruction. We currently have 30 students and 4 staff and the average student/teacher ratio is 8:1.
SCI offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities which we host in the gymnasium of our nearby community centre.
All of our students engage in daily devotions, prayer and reading the word of God. We study the word of God together and memorize key verses to develop Godly morals and behaviour.
We have a before school care program from 7:30 to 8:05am and an after school care program from 3:30 to 6:00pm.
Yes, uniforms are mandatory for students. Our dress code is based on Christian standards of neatness and modesty.
No, parents are responsible for providing transportation for their children to and from school.
Start Christian Education!
Register your child at Shiloh
We welcome both local and international students to enroll with us. Please download our registration and tuition form.